We're currently in the process of updating our blog to new software and I have converted the site over. I am working this week and next to get all of the old posts from the old site on here, as well as posting new photos, etc. to the site. If you remember, 5 years ago we made the move from blogspot to here (http://fromnorthofhere.blogspot.com/2005/12/were-moving.html) and its now time for a major update.
So, I'm changing our site over. Also, we got rid of the Google ads...though it was funny to see what ads it came up with when it used the content from the blog posts.
With 2010, we're ready to have new stories, new posts, new pictures. I'm excited about this new decade, and we're it will take our family. So, come back and keep checking on us. We'll be posting a lot soon!
You can find our old posts at archive.fromnorthofhere.com for now.